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Directory of Explore Alliance Affiliate Organizations

The Affiliate Organizations of the Explore Alliance are institutions that are engaged in ongoing programs for the communities they serve and the general public to understand a deeper level of the natural world and science. 
These organizations invite you to become involved, and provide transformative experiences as they assist you in understanding your universe on a personal level. 

Alliance of Historic Observatories

Was established with a vision and mission to support historical observatories that can sustain them over the next century...

Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers

The Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (ALPO) is an international organization devoted to study the Sun, Moon, planets, asteroids, meteors, and comets. 

AstroWorld TV

AstroWorld TV was founded by astrophotographer Dan Higgins to help people of all abilities to learn fine astrophotography techniques. They are also the hosts of AstroPalooza.  


Explore Alliance Affiliate Organization - Astronomers Without Borders


Astronomers Without Borders

Global initiatives in hands on astronomy with a vision of "one sky"...

Explore Alliance Affiliate Organizations - The Astronomical League

Astronomical League

A federation of over 240 amateur astronomy societies across the USA, making the League one of the largest astronomy organizations in the world. Champions of the global celebration of Astronomy Day. The Explore Alliance and Explore Scientific are the underwriters of the Leslie Peltier Award and the National Young Astronomer's Award...

Explore Alliance Affiliate Organization - Astronomy magazine

Astronomy Magazine

Founded by Steve Walther, the first issue of Astronomy was August 1973, with 48 pages and five feature articles. Today with David J. Eicher as Editor-in Chief, the magazine, devoted to the hobby of astronomy, is distributed around the world in print and online..

Official Explore Alliance Affiliate - Astronomical Society of Kansas City

 Astronomical Society of Kansas City (ASKC)

The Astronomical Society of Kansas City dates back to the early 1920's. Over the years the ASKC has become one of the largest Astronomical Societies in the country....


Explore Alliance Affiliate Organizations - Federation des Astronomes Amateurs du Quebec

Federation des Astronomes Amateurs du Quebec (FAAQ)

The only organization recognized by the Government of Quebec to represent individuals, groups (clubs) and institutions related to amateur astronomy in Quebec...

International Dark Sky Association (IDA)

The first organization to become apart of the Dark Sky movement and now largest organization involved. They continue to make a significant impact through education and awareness of protecting the night sky from light pollution...

  1. The Lackawanna Astronomical Society

The Lackawanna Astronomical Society

Serving Northwest Pennsylvania, you really get a lot for your dues money when you join the LAS,  and the more you participate, the more you get out of the LAS. There must be something good about a club that has members who have continuously paid dues for 20, 30, even 40+ years.


MSRO Science, Inc.

A non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, MSRO Science is an innovator in small-telescope observatories, and does outreach, and provides training and research opportunities for amateur and professional astronomers all over the world...


Explore Alliance Affiliate Organization - Mt. Wilson Observatory

Mt. Wilson Observatory

One of the birthplaces of modern astronomy and astrophysics, Mt. Wilson Observatory also hosts amazing astronomy experiences and lectures for the general public...


Explore Alliance Affiliate Organization - The Nebraska Star Party

Nebraska Star Party

One of the top star party events in the world with ultra-dark skies, suitable from rank beginner to the seriously advanced astronomer...

Explore Alliance Affiliate Organization - SPACE

San Pedro de Atacama Celestial Explorations (SPACE)

Operated by professional astronomer Alain Maury, SPACE offers people an incredible view of the Southern Hemisphere stars, while using their telescopes under super dark skies in Chile...

Warren Rupp Observatory and Hidden Hollow Star Party

Warren Rupp Observatory - Hidden Hollow Star Party

More information coming soon...

Winter Star Party

The Winter Star Party "WSP" is held annually, usually during the new moon in February. The event is unique in that it occurs mid-winter during the height of the Florida Keys tourist season. The warm weather, coupled with dark skies, and possibly the steadies skies in North America attracts attendees from all over the frozen United States, Canada, and Europe giving the event an international flavor...

Explore Alliance Affiliate Organization - Yerkes Future Foundation
Yerkes Observatory and the Yerkes Future Foundation

Founded in 1897 by George Ellery Hale, and financed by Charles T. Yerkes, Yerkes Observatory houses the world's largest working refracting telescope. Shuttered to the public in 2018 by the University of Chicago, the Yerkes Future Foundation (YFF) has finally reached an agreement with the university to turn over the facility to YFF to resume public educational outreach activities once again...