Jerry Hubbell, is the Vice President of Engineering for Explore Scientific, LLC., the Chairman of the Open GOTO Community Steering Committee (OGSC), and the Assistant Director of the Mark Slade Remote Observatory. Jerry also serves as a staff member of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (ALPO) as the Assistant Coordinator for Lunar Topographical Studies, Lunar Section.
Jerry has been an amateur astronomer since the 1970s. Over the past 10 years, he has been working with advanced amateur astronomical imaging equipment. He is an active astronomer whose principle interests are high-resolution lunar imaging, minor planet observing, and exoplanet transit observations. He has written two books on the subject of scientific imaging and remotely operated observatories, “Scientific Astrophotography” (Springer 2012), and “Remote Observatories for Amateur Astronomers” (Springer 2015).
Jerry first contracted with Explore Scientific in July 2013 and and was hired on as Director of Electrical Engineering in January 2014. He is the developer and principal engineer for the PMC-Eight Mount Control System. He, along with his fellow development team members, Dan Dickerson, and Alex Sanchez, while under the guidance of company president Scott Roberts created the PMC-Eight family of products including the ES/Losmandy G11 PMC-Eight, ES EXOS 2 PMC-Eight, and the recently introduced ES iEXOS 100 PMC-Eight entry level fully capable astro-imaging German Equatorial GOTO Star Tracker mount system.